
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A critique of "Animal Inside"

This is the final project I finished, called Animal Inside, a splatter art piece with a geometric symbol at the heart of it. It's a very simple piece with a defined subject and background.

This project balanced alot of elements in all aspects of the design. From rythm and texture with the splatter, to line and shape in the symbol, and emphasis with the background.

This piece is all about mixing the natural rythm and splatter styles with the unnatural and more precise human symbols. Making a hybrid of everything that makes people complex creatures. I wanted to make the painting almost tribal in a sense, engendering a connection between us and the less civilized world around us.

I think the simplicity is really what makes this stand out. There is nothing to distract the viewer from the emotional message of the piece. I personally hung this above my computer as a constant reminder that dispite our technological feats, there will always be something natural inside all of us.

Project 6

A personal art piece that balances all of the skills I'd learned so far. Geometric designs, mixed with color balancing, and a splatter design

Project 5

A splatter art piece that attempted to work geometry in a chaotic splatter piece

Project 4

A 3D piece that further explored warm and cool color balance, this time with a common theme. The right side of the brain is warm and rounded, while the left side is cool and precise

Project 3

A black and white op-art piece that explores implementing round objects in a design dominated by straight lines

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Project 2

A geometric rythm piece that expores warm and cool color balance.

Project 1

An abstract piece about how emotion and and perception can be at odds with each other.